Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Hindu Temple Committees Meet

Saturday, February 15th, 2014

Hindu Temple Committees Meet

Saturday, Feb 15, 2014

Today the Hindu Temple joint committees (that is all those involved in the three committees) met at the Thomasville Road Branch Library. This was the inaugural meeting where members were introduced and some items were discussed. We had a productive 2 hr meeting.

Hindu Temple Meeting

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

Hindu Temple Meeting

Chaires Community Center

Sat, Feb 8, 2014 6:00 to 9:00 PM

I attended one of the organizational meeting for the Hindu Temple this evening. I was running late for the meeting since I had to be at Ed’s retirement party at Logan’s house. I attended it starting 1/4 way through the meeting. Then I left for home soon after they started to serve food as I had to be present for my niece’s wedding being Live Streamed around 9:00 PM.

Attend FSU BCS Championship Celebration

Saturday, February 1st, 2014

FSU BCS Championship Celebration

Dock Campbell Stadium

Saturday, Feb 1, 2014, 12:00 Noon

After VtS and I finishing our Hindi class, we headed over to FSU. VtS had some important course work to do so he went to the science library. I parked my car in the parking lot in front of IMB and walked to the Dock Campbell Stadium where the FSU 2013 BCS Championship Celebrations were underway.

I walked in with my camera (it was open and free admission to everyone). The day was perfect with very little clouds and in the temperature was in the 60s. Soon after I arrived the football team entered the stadium and sat on one side of the podium. The announcer than invited the President of the University, the Athletic Director, the quarter back, and couple of other football players to speak about their experience. During the gaps there were highlights from the season and the final Rosebowl game projected on the big screens. The Head Coach also spoke.

I left around 1 PM with a free poster.

Freezing Rain in eastern Tallahassee

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Freezing rain

Eastern Tallahassee

Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014; 9:1o AM


Starting around 9:05 AM and at least until 9:20 we saw freezing rain (rain drops mixed with sand-sized to mustard seed-sized hail or ice particles) falling in the eastern parts of Tallahassee.


The temperature was around 33 deg F (just above the freezing point of water).


FSU ISA Diwali Banquet

Friday, October 25th, 2013


FSU ISA Diwali Banquet

CGE Globe Auditorium

Friday, October 25, 2013, 7-9 PM


We attended the Florida State University Indian Students Association Diwali Banquet in the evening. Originally we were not aware of the event and were planning to go home. But Neil stopped by the afternoon and invited us to the banquet. VtS had his Halloween face painted but we went anyway.

There was dance and song entertainment by the students. We had later dinner. VtS became a member of ISA too.

fsu-isa-db-04 fsu-isa-db-03

ISA Global Cafe

Friday, October 18th, 2013

VtS Volunteers at ISA Global Café

Friday, October 18, 2013

CGE, 110 South Woodward Avenue

Tallahassee, FL 32306


VtS volunteered for Global Café for FSU ISA (Indian Students Association of Florida State University). They served both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food at The Globe. The Global Café is once a month fundraiser for various Student Government Organization members like, ISA, AASU, and FSU-JSA.


VtS Interview as Freshmen

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

VtS Interview as Freshmen

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tallahassee, FL

Today FSU news featured Vivek’s interview as part of the freshmen class of 2017. He spoke about the school, the faculty, and his goals for his undergraduate studies.

2013 Utsav Hindi Comedy Drama

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

2013 Utsav Hindi Comedy Drama

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Godby High School Auditorium

The India Association of Tallahassee (IATLH | celebrated the 67th Indian Independence Day and  Utsav 2013 at the Jeff Bradford Auditorium at the Godby High School Auditorium in Tallahassee, FL, USA. The program began with unfurling of the Indian national flag followed by singing of Indian national anthem and American national anthem.
It was followed by speech contest where nine members spoke on pre-selected topics for three minutes. Following the speech contest, Utsav 2013, non-filmy cultural program began and featured group dances, group songs, and musical instrumental pieces.
Photos from the program:
Immediately following intermission, we staged our Hindi comedy drama. The cast members were members of Learn Hindi group and mostly non-native Hindi speakers. I had obtained a copy of a Hindi skit from the Internet and modified it and the Hindi teacher added more lines and parts for people. The skit called Rangeen School was staged and all performed well and the audience liked it. Then there were few more programs, speech contest winner announcement and the quiz.

Steam Clean the house

Monday, August 12th, 2013

Steam Clean the house

Stanley Steemer Steam Cleaning

Monday, August 12, 2013

7:30 to 8:30 AM


Early this morning two people from Stanley Steemer came to our house for the prearranged steam cleaning of our carpets. We have worked over the weekend the get all carpeted rooms ready for steam cleaning. We had removed all knickknacks and loose items on the floor. We had removed all possible small items like chairs, file cabinets, rugs, and small cabinets. However, we left standing big chests, wardrobes, beds, and desks.

The personnel came and moved the big furniture away from the walls and put them on some kind of plastic blocks. They then started to run the fans in the rooms. Once everything is set-up, they brought their steam cleaning vacuum hoses and started to clean the rooms. They first cleaned the two small rooms and did the big room the last. Once the back side of the cabinets were cleaned they moved the cabinets back to their original position and cleaned the other areas. Once a room has been cleaned they put the fan to start the drying process. They were done in about an hour.


They recommended  that we don’t walk from the carpeted floor to hardwood floor often due to the possibility of wet feet and slippery feet. They asked us to run the air-conditioner at 70 F and continue to run the fans at full speed. The recommended drying time is 48 hours. However, chairs with plastics feet could be moved into the rooms in 24 hours but wooden furniture should wait for 48 hours. If there is a need we could some plastic blocks similar to those they used to move wooden furniture about 24 hours.


Clean interior our home

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Clean interior our home

Sunday, July 21, 2013

We started to do the cleaning of the interior of our house prior to the hard wood floor cleaning scheduled for tomorrow